Scarborough hole.

Created by Kaz 10 months ago
Whilst on holiday visiting family in Yorkshire, a trip to Scarborough was taken. Parked up at the North end of Scarborough (Peasholm Park end) on a beautiful, sunny day, the family set off to walk into the centre of Scarborough. It was such a nice day, Karen and Eliot (K&E) decided to wade out into the sea and walk around, like Weston-s-Mare you can go out quite a way before it gets deep. Unusually for Josie she decided she would have a walk in the water as well but keep very close to the shoreline as she was not a great fan of the water as she couldn't swim. Everything was going well, K&E waving to Josie and Josie returning the wave as they made their way along the beach in the sea, whilst Bill walked along the Prom keeping an eye on us all.  

Suddenly Josie disappeared! K& E looked at each other and then raced to where they last saw her. Within seconds Josie surfaced, spluttering and coughing shouting "ooh my shoe has gone, where's my handbag?" Bill looked on quizzically, wondering why his wife had decided to submerge herself? 

Josie had fallen down a hole which had been dug earlier and now been covered by the incoming tide. Once K&E had got to Josie and seen that she was ok, E rescued her shoe that was floating away, and K retrieved her handbag.  

Leading her to the safety of the shore and up onto the Prom and her waiting but totally confused husband. (a small crowd of onlookers had also gathered by now),  

To see her emerging totally soaked from head to foot up onto the prom was a sight to see, you couldn't help but laugh! 

Thank goodness it was such a hot day as we decided to continue our journey into Scarborough to buy new clothes for Josie, which was another hilarious event! 

The rest of the day was spent in fits of laughter. 

To this day I still chuckle when I think of the day at Scarborough <3 Thank you for the memories, Mum. Love you loads. xxxx